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A Case For Humanist Chaplaincy In Africa



Witch Burning, Impunity And Abuses Linked to Witchcraft Beliefs In Benue State
Dr Leo Igwe
By Leo Igwe

I am a humanist and am training to be a chaplain. In this piece, I make a case for humanist chaplaincy in Africa. I am not a priest, a pastor, or an imam. I am not a cleric in the traditional sense. I am nonreligious. I do not profess any religion as we know it. I am a humanist. I seek to live ethically and meaningfully without a god or dogma. I believe that people can be good without god. I do not think there is a god as religions teach and preach. I don’t think there is a deity out there who created the universe or who supervises and directs life on earth and waits to judge, condemn, or reward humans at the end of life. I do not believe there is an afterlife in heaven or hell for me or for other human beings, as popularly believed.

For decades, I have led efforts to organize nonreligious and nontheistic people in Nigeria. I have been working and campaigning to grow the nonreligious community. I identify as nonreligious because I consider belief in god fundamental and foundational to the religious profession. Recently, I enrolled to train as a chaplain with a little-known Regnum International School of Chaplaincy. When I told a friend about this, she asked: “But this is for a fada? Are you a fada? I said I was not and need not be. Yes, one needs not be a fada to be a chaplain. This idea is mistaken. While all pastors could be chaplains, not all chaplains are pastors. All chaplains should not be pastors or clerics.

Expectedly, other trainees are pastors or ministers. I made it clear from the beginning that I was not a religious person, and as a chaplain, I would like to minister to nonbelievers in religion or god as we know it. I want to bring a nonbelief approach to chaplaincy. I like to attend to the needs; emotional, and psycho-social needs of nonreligious people. I want to focus on the nonreligious chaplaincy needs of the public. The school managers had no issue with it. And we are getting on well. There should be a place for secular/humanist chaplaincy in institutions. Chaplains need not be religious godmen and women. Why do I think so?
Chaplaincy is a public institution and should be open to and of service to the public whether one is a believer or not. Chaplaincy entails a range of support for the spiritual and personal needs of students, staff, and workers, including prison inmates. A chaplain provides spiritual leadership and counseling to members of an institution such as a school, hospital, or prison. Chaplains offer spiritual care in clinical, military, educational, or other settings where individuals grapple with meaning, hope, and transcendence. Look, the term ‘spiritual’ is used in a broad sense, and does not necessarily imply belief in god or religious belonging as we know it. Chaplains help individuals deal with issues related to illness, injury, birth, or death. They offer psychosocial support to people of all faiths and beliefs. The website of the Imperial College states: “Chaplaincy is here for you whether you have a religious or a philosophical take on the world. We see spirituality, faith, and meaning as key sources of inspiration and motivation for personal development, learning, and research”.
In the military, chaplains minister to military personnel of all faiths and none, including their families and civilians working for the military. At the hospitals, chaplains provide psycho-social support to patients, families, and staff. They help them alleviate fear and stress. In prisons, chaplains care for the spiritual and emotional well-being of prisoners, including their rehabilitation process. They offer programs that enhance their positive growth and development. In schools, chaplains organize religious services, provide counseling, and organize community events for students, staff, and parents. In companies, corporate chaplains assist workers and support them during crisis.
So, chaplaincy needs not be religious or faith-based. A chaplain must not be a priest, a rabbi, or an imam. A chaplain must not be a cleric as we know it. Chaplains of all religious and belief backgrounds are needed to provide support to the public. Humanist chaplains are needed because not all military personnel, patients, prison inmates, students, workers, and families are religious. Not all persons need the kind of psycho-social support and care that religious chaplains provide. Many military and police officers are atheists, agnostics, or non-religious. Some students and teachers do not find meaning in religious services. Some prisoners, patients, and company workers do not find comfort in payer or faith-based counseling and care. Nonreligious Africans need chaplains who minister and offer support that aligns with their philosophical outlook. It is necessary to have chaplains who can attend to the needs of people from no faith traditions.
Incidentally, many Africans associate chaplaincy with religion or faith. They think a chaplain must be a person of faith, a cleric, or someone from a faith tradition. No, not at all. A chaplain can come from a faith or no-faith background. Africans should be open to a religiously and philosophically diverse chaplaincy. They should embrace a nonreligious chaplaincy. African military and police, schools, prisons, hospitals, and companies should engage secular or humanist chaplains.
Dr Igwe is a board member of the Humanist Association of Nigeria and Humanists International.

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Kissing Dust On Benin-Sapele-Warri Road



Readers’ Showers Of Encouragement

By Tony Afejuku

Benin-Sapele-Warri Road – or, better, if you so prefer it, Benin-Sapele-Warri Highway – is a bad road, a bad high-road, that will remain bad. Let me repeat it: Benin-Sapele-Warri Road is a bad road, a bad high-road that will remain bad. Why my insistence? Why my repetition? I will answer in this manner: the facts of the construction or of the re-construction of the road time after time over the years are the facts of history – the facts of ceaseless work on the road that is ceaselessly bad after money upon money is wasted on its revamping by its different revampers at different times. Let us not name names. It should be noted and very well understood, however, that the spirit of the history of the facts of the revamping is that of irony.

In general, it is no surprise that the millions, no, billions, that have been spent on the high-road were billions spent with the understanding, the full understanding and full seriousness, that the approved monies were approved with some hidden uncertainty about the efficacy and a just lapse of its duration. This explains or accounts for why a determined commitment to upholding the moral standard of the high-road cannot adequately be followed or is never adequately followed. In other words, because all those who in one way or the other were involved in giving us a healthy and a structurally sound road – morally-speaking – were themselves patriotically unhealthy, there was/is no way that the road could be morally and healthily strong to withstand the vagaries of the elements. Perhaps it may be worth the while of my readers to pause for a moment to consider the precise or the exact quality of the high-road, at least since the last time it was revamped. Were the materials used the standard ones? Our moral and healthy patriotism cannot but give us the answer that is the answer.

I have written a number of times on the very shape or state of the high-road in times past. I don’t wish to go back to my past essays on the subject. But I can recall with romantic nostalgia that I called the Benin-Sapele-Warri Road Ouagadougou when it was almost impossible to pass the road especially from its Benin by-pass stretch. Then it could take more than ten hours to cross that stretch to get to Sapele and thence to Warri. My christening the road as I christened it above was a very sober thing and event that I was deeply committed to very soberly. Of course, the Ologbo stretch of the high-road was another kettle of fish that joined Ouagadougou in mortal combat to the consternation of motorists who plied (and still ply) it day by day. Arguably, it is definitely one of the busiest routes from Lagos via Ore to the Niger Delta up to Port Harcourt and beyond. My romantic nostalgia projects to the fore now that the image of the high-road then – in the times I drew it – was that of an outrageously outrageous one that the rains in the season of rains majestically divided into contours and gutters of sticky mud to discourage motorists physically and psychologically from plying it. How we suffered on the road! But let’s not deliberate on our fatal experience and experiences at that time of our common pain as Niger Deltans always cheated for whatever reason or power as minorities that we are – minorities who collectively moan the moans of pain but perfectly predictable as a disunited people who never speak in and with one voice.

The season of rains upon rains have since come and gone – although it will soon return. In the dry season that we still are dancing in, nothing tangibly tangible has been done on the road from Benin to Warri. There is no portion of the road whose definitive geographical contours have not gone recalcitrantly recalcitrant. They are so refractory to the extent that we always remember the civilians who awarded the contract for the revamping, and whose dubiety cannot but ring constantly in the respective imaginations of motorists who ply the road.

I have travelled from Lagos to Benin to Warri via Sapele not fewer than three times since this past December. On each occasion there were lines, horrible queues, of stand-still vehicles as a result of the severity of the more than many failed portions of the road that is now note-worthy for its obvious dust whose performance defies all rules of safe-driving. As a matter of fact, on each occasion I kissed the dust on the high-road. Other motorists who have been traversing the Benin-Sapele-Warri Road will lend credence to my tale. If this dry season is as bad as it presently is on the dry, dusty, awkward road, you better join me to imagine what the high-road will look like or turn out to be in the rainy season that will soon visit us. Of course, there is no hope that the road will be tarred permanently (or even temporarily) before the rains pound it again.

Now I should ask Mr. David Umahi, the Central Minister of Works: What has become of your perfect promise to us? Or did yours truly misunderstand you when you made your democratic promise to us as a democratic patriot? In any case, I wish you safe journey if and whenever you travel on the road without your fellows of siren before the rains hurrying nigh. May the dust kiss you or may you kiss the dust on the high-road with or without your face mask in your fully air-conditioned posh car as you talk posh to us – on the Benin-Sapele-Warri Road that will remain bad – until you mean to not make it bad. May you, the genteel democratic patriots, be attracted to the democratic destiny of all of us small ones kissing the dust on our high-way!

Afejuku can be reached via 08055213059.

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Bringing Political Science Back Into Public Administration Praxis In Nigeria



Prof. Tunji Olaopa

By Tunji Olaopa

When the politics-administration dichotomy inaugurated the practice of public administration, what was intended was a critical need to bifurcate the logic of the two in ways that will extend the relationship between the politicians and the administrator and make it more efficient. The politician is then, within the logic of the dichotomy, restricted to policy formulation while the administrator is confined to the realm of policy implementation. Reality, however, defeats the neat boundary between the two. Politics and administration, in practical reality, are almost inseparable. And one would expect that the relationship between political science and public administration discourse will reflect this inseparability. Unfortunately, it does not. The separation undermines the fundamental urgency of addressing the political foundation of administrative research and practices, especially as they relate to the issues of power, governance, politics and democracy.

Political science descriptively and critically studies political phenomena and how they contribute to our understanding of the political community. Significantly, political science analyzes the fundamental role that power plays in the articulation of politics especially in the attempt to unravel the dynamics of the political community and its social and political circumferences and trajectories. Public administration is the very embodiment of the state as the most critical embodiment of politics. The state is made most visible within the frameworks and institutional workings of public administration, especially through the public sector and the public services. The straightforward argument is that the political and administrative reality of any state cannot be studied in isolation of each other. This seems obvious enough given that each of political science and public administration reinforces each other in terms of shedding light on the complex and intricate workings of the state and its response to the citizens and the commonwealth. In other words, there is no way the concepts of power and governance, for example, would not intersect political and administrative questions, and complicate them. The issues of democratic governance and innovation, and collaborative governance demand thinking of the interplay between politics science and administration.

In my many years as a deep insider career bureaucrat in the public service, I have been aware not only of the role that politics plays in administrative matters, and vice versa. I have also been apprised of how political acts of commission and omission actively promote or undermine the public service. Indeed, my theoretical and practical researches into the dynamics of government business and institutional reforms highlight how political and administrative factors interact. My deep worry, however, is that political science and public administration discourses in Nigeria carry on as if these interactions and interrelations are at best trivial or at worst non-existent. For instance, in institutional terms, there is nothing to write home about in the existence and possible cross-fertilizing relationship between the Nigerian Political Science Association (NPSA) and the National Association for Public Administration and Management (NAPAM). Indeed, there cannot be such a cross-fertilization because while NPSA is active, NAPAM has remained comatose. And the vision and mission statement of NPSA is not broad enough to take in administrative matters and concerns, or the interplay of politics and administration.

The most fundamental observation that my status as a scholar-bureaucrat in the federal civil service afforded me is a practical understanding of the nature of the fundamental disconnections in public administration practices and the consequences on the state’s responsibility to her citizens, all due to crucial assumptions and principles that have been left lying fallow and unattended to in an interdisciplinary discourse and cross fertilization between political science scholarship and public administration theories and practice. A few examples suffice. In 1966, Nigeria shifted away from the parliamentary system of government and, after the long interregnum of military administrations, resumed with the presidential system, enshrined in the 1979 Constitution. This move was preceded by the Dotun Phillips studies report of 1985, and the Civil Service Reorganization Decree of 1988, which aligned the civil service with the presidential system of government. However, even with the reversal of the reform frameworks by the Ayida reform of 1995, it is still clear that many of Nigeria’s administrative practices retain aspects of parliamentary elements that could be one source of unresolved structural troubles necessitating performance inefficiency.

This has some other implications for the practice of federalism and the stabilization of Nigeria’s governance structure. Since the intervention of the military in 1966 and the subsequent militarization of Nigeria’s political and governance structure of the Nigerian state, the federal arrangement that ought to have been the natural remedy for the unruly ethno-national diversity became compromised. For instance, inter-governmental relations and the critical need for fiscal federalism became caught in the cracks of constitutional and institutional dysfunction. The Babangida administration, through the recommendation of the IBB’s Presidential Advisory Committee, established the National Council for Inter-Governmental Relations (NCIS) as one in a series of government’s efforts—like the Centre for Democratic Studies (CDS), National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies, Michael Imoudu National Institute for Labour Studies, etc.—to rehabilitate Nigeria’s governance and administrative structures.

All this goes to demonstrate a cogent reason why the political and the administrative in Nigeria’s governance context cannot be separated, even in terms of theoretical argumentation. Political science scholarship, in longing for an interdisciplinary relationship with public administration, must recognize how the latter has evolved first as a sub-discipline of political science, and later as a multidisciplinary endeavor that encompasses insights drawn from management science, organizational psychology, sociology, statistics, industrial engineering, computer science, etc. from which it draws to invigorate its curriculum and pedagogy. This point is still not demonstrated in the disciplinary silos that define the existence of political science on the one hand and public administration on the other in Nigerian universities. In some universities, public administration functions in a different faculty, or is its own faculty, as different from the faculty of the social sciences. And so, scholars carry out their scholarly discourses in different contexts, oblivious of the grave challenges that the Nigerian administrative and governance predicament poses to their theoretical and practical separation. In what follows, I will point attention at a few contentious institutional matters to which I have gestured in many of my works, but which I contend require the critical interrogation of political scientists.

First, there is the recurrent issue of the need to keep clarifying the nature and the role of the state in terms of administrative efficiency. While the state is central to the analysis of power, and constitutes one of the central thematic focuses of political science scholarship, the fundamental need to redefine the role of the state has often not been taken up in terms of its significance for the restructuring of the ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) that are the critical engine room for measuring the developmental successes of the state. Aligning the role of the state to the understanding of the MDA becomes crucial as it facilitates the reform of the MDAs in terms of the need to remodel and strengthen their core vis-à-vis their non-core functions as both relate to the service delivery function of government. This could also instigate the urgency of conducting institutional audit that is crucial not only to determining the performance status of many state agencies, but to also jumpstart organizational development dynamics that are meant to motivate the movement of structures to institutions. It is institutions, rather than mere structures that government requires to undermine governance failure.

Second, political science scholarship in Nigeria is necessarily confronted by the need to clarify and explicate the thorny issue of the relationship between the administrative operational dynamics of the executive arm of government in terms of its apparatuses—like the Federal Executive Council—and the working of the American-styled presidential system of government. This is a key concern given that Nigeria’s adoption of many institutional dynamics has remained problematic in terms of relating them to her political and administrative realities. For instance, acute and critical attention needs to be paid also to the political economy involved in the executive-legislature relations, and the implications deriving from the planning and budgeting processes from legislative oversight to appropriation and budget implementation.

Peter Ekeh’s analysis of migrated structures alerts us to the danger of adopting these structures without paying critical attention to their value orientation and the political realities of where they are coming from. Democratic governance and all its ancillary structural and administrative apparatuses encompass a host of issues that require critical analyses. Since the notion of the public good and the commonwealth, in the idea of good democratic governance, constitutes the formidable core of the relationship between politics, public management and public administration, then the discourse around stakeholder management, participatory governance, performance management and accountability becomes key and critical core issues that interact with the way we see politics, administration and citizenship. The recent discourse on the resuscitation of local governance, through the landmark decision of the Supreme Court to legally reinvigorate the constitutional strength of local government in Nigeria, points at the significance of connecting community development structures and traditional institutions to the state systems and democratic enablement through the principle of social capital and subsidiarity.

To reiterate, the predicament of the postcolonial Nigerian state demands that political science scholarship must necessarily and urgently signal an interdisciplinary collaboration that will instigate a ferment of theoretical, practical and institutional discourses from which both can expect not only to refresh their internal discursive vibrancy, but also collectively contribute to the understanding of the working of the Nigerian state and her capacity to induce participatory democratic governance.

. Olaopa is Professor of Public Administration, and the Chairman,Federal Civil Service Commission, Abuja.

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Reflections On Moghalu’s Voice On African Leadership (2)



Dele Jegede In Conversation With Prince Yemisi Shyllon
Prof. Toyin Falola

By Toyin Falola

For a long time, the response of Africans to leadership paralysis that is almost consuming the continent has been very reactionary and not necessarily proactive. With no exemption of any African country in particular, the crops of leaders that one would find at every position of leadership are individuals with sufficient demonstration of unpreparedness as they either have demonstrated no creative approach to the myriads of challenges confronting the continent or they are predominantly ideologically helpless in solving them. Their futile attempts to project some effectively planned strategies to tackle their existential challenges have indicated that they either do not have a mind or are grossly inefficient in handling the task ahead of them. Usually, what happens is that they believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Therefore, they have traditionally dedicated themselves to extracting practices adopted elsewhere, disregarding the contextual import of such ideas. In essence, most African countries continue to find themselves in the intractable challenges that are byproduct of the superficial political aesthetics of others and do not invest in thinking their way out of the problems that face their people. They are an incurable believer that Africans are themselves deficient in independent thoughts and cannot produce refined intellectual ideas that would be used to salvage their internal challenges. But then, this trend would not go on forever.

Now that some foresighted African leaders are putting their thoughts together to create such an academic institution as the African School of Governance, it reveals their awareness about the underlying duties that have been abandoned for a long time due to the inability to face the challenges head-on. They concluded that giving reactionary solutions to Africa’s challenges would only tilt another way for the misdirection of African youths for many generations. Such youths, I’m afraid, would only be competent in following the Global North in whatever decisions they take, not minding if the universalist decisions and solutions can address their local issue.

Refined intellectuals like Professor Moghalu, who has been appointed as the maiden President of the ASG, promise to introduce a profound style of handling intending African leaders who would eventually occupy important positions where ideas and values to be used in governance would be theirs and not parodied along their colonizer’s paths. Over the years, it has become common knowledge that anyone who has economic power, questionable as the source of their affluence, always contests for political offices where ordinarily refined ideas are needed to maximum impact. It does not matter if they are utterly bereft of values and initiatives that can provoke cutting-edge and remarkable progress; what is prioritized is that they are given the mandate to represent even when they do not know how.

This is the foundation of the motivation that pushed these outstanding individuals to develop the initiative that brought ASG into existence. Across many African countries, especially in modern times, unconfirmed information suggests that people who have amassed through diabolical sources are either found picking interest in political positions or make themselves kingmakers who sponsor others that would occupy these positions. If this is the case, which is highly likely, one cannot but wonder where the future of African politics would be driven. This suspicion and anxiety cannot be unnecessary considering the discovery that in places where these individuals of questionable moral character find themselves in political offices, they have done extensively well to major in inanities and then minor in frivolities. Where other countries are making impressive leaps to overcome economic, political, climate and sociocultural challenges, these individuals are either neck-deep in pursuing policies that reinforce their nefarious inclinations or ones that do not benefit ordinary people. For instance, some countries have legalized the idea that political officeholders are immune to accountability actions when they have violated the offices where they are meant to protect the public interest. Regardless of the amount they have embezzled, it seems they cannot be called into question by the necessary security agencies to protect them. This is odd. The economically powerful countries of the world do not attain this feat through this deplorable process.

Professor Moghalu and I think many people across the world believe that the foundational problem that faces Africa is a leadership problem because not only does everything that concerns a nation go directly to the table of the leader, but it is also true that the ability to initiate innovative programs and policies, with the accompanying power of implementation, resides with the leaders. And then, any leader who develops anxiety towards a politically and economically liberated citizen would always be bereft of ideas that could ordinarily transform the collective society. In their inchoate desire to be regarded as an authority or cling to power as long as possible, they would be disconcerted by the thought that the groups of people they otherwise lord over would become liberated and then undermine their authority. That feeling indicates their inability to evolve and understand the dynamics of things in their time. Although they could become very successful in this domain, they would create a generation of people who have no idea how to move their nation forward. And regardless of how an individual remains and dies as a powerful individual when problems come knocking, they would not be insulated from the consequences of their limited foresight. A troubled citizenry in chaos does not differentiate between influential and less powerful people. When they strike, they would ultimately do so with disregard for anyone’s status. Professor Moghalu admits there are system-designed economic challenges, but he reiterated that they won’t come in a situation with purposeful leadership.

Something important to note in the conversation between Professors Moghalu and Nimi Wariboko is that both must examine what is fundamental for a leader to do when they come to power. To Wariboko, systemic foundations are nonnegotiable in changing people’s attitudes to social and political responsibilities, but Moghalu takes a different approach. We have been familiar with the contrasting views. Some individuals believe that by having the right leaders in the correct position, the people’s actions will be influenced. To be honest, such ideologues are accurate because when people of good moral character are placed in leadership positions, they use their ethical principles and strength to provoke a change. However, that thinking is defeated by the understanding that people’s moral character barely affects the company, groups, and the body of people they work with. Leaders are naturally expected to work with an endless number of people with whom they often do not share personal relationships. Even if such a leader has a glistering moral identity, they cannot determine what happens in different ministries, departments, and aspects of leadership where very sensitive decisions would be made and would affect the collective progress of the people. More importantly, you cannot guarantee that good leaders will always come to power every time. If this one is good, the following five successors may not have a similar moral view.

Interestingly, systemic changes can happen when the right systems are installed among people. Systems from time have often been compelling in shaping a people’s character to responsibilities. It has been recognized as regulating people’s behavior even when they do not want to. The reluctance of leaders in Asian countries, especially China and maybe North Korea, to steal public money comes from the awareness that the consequences of their actions are immediate. Rather than shielding the corrupt ones among them and preventing them from answering to their actions, they have systems that would generally make them accountable and show them the consequences of their actions. Does this mean that they do not have corrupt officials amongst them? No. Does that mean abuse of offices would not be found there? No. These would be encountered at a minimal level. In essence, it is very fundamental to install the right systems and empower them to make decisions that they consider great for the advancement of society. While this is germane, it is also essential that they install people with admirable moral principles in offices who would also not compromise the ethical standards of the system and not soil its integrity.

This is the final report on the interview on “African Leadership” with Dr. Kingsley Moghalu on January 19, 2025. For the transcript:

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